
Safety risks arise from the structure of the physical environment, from performance of everyday tasks, or from situations beyond the hospital's control. Preparation and prevention can eliminate or minimize safety incidences.  More importantly, it can save lives.

GHS&A works with your team to ensure effective procedures through your detailed safety plan in conjunction with Joint Commission accreditation or survey readiness:
  • We conduct thorough risk assessments in the physical environment.  This is done through mock surveys with tracers, including walk- throughs, document reviews, and selective and random emplpoyee interviews.         
  • We train your team to establish ongoing monitoring processes and periodic and scheduled opportunities for upgrades, fixes, and improvement.
  • For issues and incidents, including sentinel events, we perform root cause analyses.  Root cause analysis is a process for identifying the factors that underlie variation in performance, including the possible occurrence of a sentinel event. We train your team how to perform effective analysis and a process for accommodating change to ensure the incident is not repeated, including the Action Plan.  This is a critical step in the Joint Commission’s survey.
  • Preventing Sentinel Events is a goal of every hospital. That is, preventing an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury or even the risk of such.  The unexpected and unintended results are examined after the fact; a required and correct response.  However, at GHS&A we look for and are knowledgeable of external occurrences in which your staff can learn from other healthcare facilities sentinel events.